mixed feeling. on one hand i'm excited about the endless possibilities that i would encounter this coming months. but on the other hand, i have an exam next week + my project is still a mess, and the due date is so close!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
mixed feeling. on one hand i'm excited about the endless possibilities that i would encounter this coming months. but on the other hand, i have an exam next week + my project is still a mess, and the due date is so close!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
boxing day
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
i am... sasha fierce
for the first part, mostly soft, heart soul ballads.. the tracks are amazingly good. it opens with "if i were a boy" , followed by "halo", a truly heartfelt song. the rest especially disappear & broken hearted girl are one of the memorable tracks. for the B side, it focuses more on the energetic, fierce and electrifying sasha... the hit single form this one "single ladies" already got me hooked with the catcy & notoriously spontaneous lyric. i like it a lot. but the remaining tracks for the B side still haven't fully caught my attention.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
remember ??
well.. well... since only recently that i contemplate of upgrading my my cam into a nearly SLRish (but not quite) version.. i only discover the wonders of my existing cam!!! there are so many functions that i have yet to fully utilize!!! and just a few hours ago, i'm very tempted to purchase a new extended lens cam!!! cet... k.i.v dulu la cmni..
so... i phone 3G anyone??? hahah
Monday, December 22, 2008
a thought
and i'm still learning, gathering new information as i passes my mark on every step of the way. i know i'm not the best here & chances are i'm not the most likable either. 5 years & counting, it is pretty self evident. but no matter.. there are more important things that take priority in my list. and make no mistake about it.. i wanna do good always, setting a high standard that i find to be impossible to live up to.. but if somehow i managed (insyaAllah), i want it to be because of me & not due to others. i have lost interest to compete againts other people...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
2 weeks winter holiday
Saturday, December 20, 2008
the real thing
Thursday, December 18, 2008
wed night dinner
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
and yeah, dinner with the girls was canceled. so, i'm sitting in my room watching simpsons. =D
Monday, December 15, 2008
sometimes, u just want to run, go.. n get disappear with the one that u care for.. but certainly this isn't possible. life is more than that. at times, u don't do certain things not because u don't want to do it, but rather u know u shouldn't be doing it.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
n something good happened today (nothing to do with xm) .. heheh.. i'm happy =)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
case study 3
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
opening up the ex(es) files
and i dated people from all shapes & sizes. i've been there & i've seen them all. particularly the last one, it was a bad end. now looking back at my exes, some of them are happily married, some are dating other people & the rest remain single.
and i know, some may think that this topic is a little too private @ controversial to tell it all. but i don't care ... because they are all in the past. i moved on. but thank u for the effort guys. ur the best. and ooh... i haven't decide on anything. only time will tell. heheh.
Paediatrics: part 3
Monday, December 1, 2008
on recent things
- i should've been on call tonight. but since Dr. M is taking over, then i was advised not to go
- this blog hasn't been properly updated. i'm sorry. the other one kept me busy.
- the incident that happened, i now think that is blown out of proportion. i'm ok... really.
- but the one thing that keep on rewinding on my mind every now n then is still a bit upsetting. because u really thought that they meant it. but after the remark was made, i secretly wonder if all the complements that i received before this are one of those "make u feel good" comments. and i try to see the funny side of it, trying my best to turn it into a big messing around kind of feeling. but it turn out that i am profoundly disturbed. from being surprise, to being furious, 3 days after... i just feel sad.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
a sad truth
p.s: ikut suke aku la, aku nak tulis apa pun, kalo sape2 yg rasa entry ni geli, then aku x boleh nak ckp aper. aku dh penat dh tulis ikut kerenah orng. biarlah, aku tulis ape yg aku rasa. aku adalah aku.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
up for a chat.? or maybe not
a lesson learned
meningococcal septicaemia causes them. speak the rite words, then they'll be pleased.
and today i saw a couple of interesting cases such as a child with rickets. the classic bow leg appearance is there. the treatment is a lifelong supply of vitamin D.
also, there's a child presented with febrile neutropenia. he has ALL.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
piss off
i hate pessimist. i don't deal well with problems. and with all these negativity thrown in rite to my face, i can't help to wonder.. where did i go wrong? certainly, it is impossible for me to fulfill everybody's wishes but the thing about this type of people is that they're like the human black holes which suddenly come out of nowhere and just suck the life out of u. u try to stay positive and remain strong but their negativity ends up just completely draining u, u feel so tired, so exhausted, and u just wanna leave & giving them the privilege of having the last laugh.
and on the second thought, u secretly hope that they die & burn in hell.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
morning coffee
but of course, we managed. we cleaned it up all within seconds too. and when our consultant was back in the room, we were all demurely seated, pretending as if nothing had occured. plus, i ended up with a wet pants throughout the morning. huh...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
henoch schonlein purpura (HSP)
so, here are some random facts about HSP.
- usually patients get it following a URTI
- initially present with macula papular, non blanching rash, affecting the buttock, legs, feet, but trunk sparing. but rash cann appear blotchy & with a bruised appearance too
- abd pain.
- joint pain typically affecting the larger joints such as the hip, knee. there may be swelling of the joints.
- microscopic haematuria. so if the patients comes with frank haematuria, then more likely not to be HSP
- treatment is symptomatic. have to monitor for renal function. so do a msu, 24H urine collection, spot on protein: creatinine ratio, U&E + measure BP as well. if no sequalle for the next 6 months, then renal dysfunction is unlikely.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
end of rotation ramblings
i'm excited to go to the ball (clap)
i'm excited to be in different hosp next week (clap)
but i'm not so excited about tomorrow's exam. i haven't done much. aiyaya.. yeah i know. suck it up quitely. huh... (sigh)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
i miss my nerdy@glorious days. mom would've been upset if she knows that i'm slacking around. sigh...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
tough luck
Thursday, November 6, 2008
case study 2
had a hx of seizure a year ago. family hx is unremarkable.
O/E: no obvious rash noted. joint stiffness and swelling of the hands + wrist bilaterally. heart examination is normal. no murmus. chest is clear.
others: hb is low, LFTs & TFTs is normal. ESR is markedly elevated.
- what further questions that you would like to ask in the hx?
- what is the most likely diagnosis?
- what are the differentials that you would consider in this case?
- what tests would you do to confirm or outrule your diagnosis/differentials?
- how would you manage this patient?
p.s: this is a case that i'll be presenting later this week. so, those who follow my blog will have the first view. i'll post the answers within the next few days.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i don't even know what to say
dude... ur declaration is one bold act. but i dig it. u've just made my day. i'm laughing my f***ing a** off here!!!.
the irony of u & me
u ask what u can do and i don't know what to say. the needy part of me wants ur constant attention, it needs ur words, thoughts & ur prsence. but i know that is not the answer. the scared part of me wants u out of my life because it would be easier. the hateful part of me wants to hurt u because it thinks u've hurt me.
i will ignore u at times, i may be rude to u. i may hide from u and wait for u to reach out to me... so i know that u care. it's not fair to do these things, but i will... i cannot ask u to put up with this, it's not fair and no matter how hard i act, i care too much to put u through this. but u 've asked,... and this is all i have to tell ...
but above all that, i need u still. so bear with me...please.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
before the labour
midwife: i like darren
ilman aiman: i think darren is good
husband: yeah, we'll go with darren...
patient: but i want it to be spelled - D.A.R.Y.N instead of darren. the latter have too much "r" in it (bare in mind that the surname have lots of letter "r" too)
everybody disagree. we like darren. it's a cool name.
patient: oohhh ok... we'll go with darren then.
u see, in the labour ward. there is a lot of waiting. and it's a plus really if u get along with the patient and the midwives. my patient is just phenomenal. and her husband cracks me up everytime he speaks!! seriously, there was a time that i really feel like singing and dancing. the radio plays amy winehouse's rehab and everybody is doing their little gestures following the rhytm. it was a fun day with a fun crowd. and of course, the birth of baby Darren is just the perfect ending to close the evening. aawwwwhh
case study 1
This 20-year-old Nepalese presents with 1 month history of cough and low grade fever.

1) describe the CXR
2) what is the diagnosis?
- a PA view CXR.
- Sightly over-penetrated as one can see the thoracic spine behind the cardiac shadow.
- It is slightly rotated, so the trachea position cannot be commented on, however, it is probably not deviated.
- The costophrenic angles are well visualised, indicating no effusion.
- The right upper and middle third of the lungs are hazy with multiple cavities of varying sizes seen.
- The mediastinum is not widened.
2) In keeping with common things being common, the obvious diagnosis would be an active pulmonary tuberculosis because:
- cavities are an indication of active PTB.
- there is no evidence of fibrosis.
- the history is suggestive.
on the CHN,
the patient, a 7 month year old baby presented with recurrent chest infections. pregnancy was uncomplicated. good fetal movement were observed. familh hx is unremarkable.
O/E : patient is very hypotonic but with good muscle bulk (no obvious wasting), muscle is stronger distally than proximally. reflexes are absent.
inv : nerve biopsy, nerve conduction study, lumbar pucture for the CSF.
management: IV immunoglobulin & steroids.
differential : spinal muscular atrophy, congenital muscluar dystrophy
CHN is a rare form of neonatal neuropathy that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a newborn with profound hypotonia and weakness. also known as charcoat marie tooth type 4E. little is known about the long-term outcome of neonates presenting with CHN, but the neonatal form appears to be more severe, often leading to early mortality.
Monday, November 3, 2008
monday morning
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
de tour
and although at the back my mind, i know i'm fighting a losing battle here, but i'm prepared to risk it this time. but unfortunately, unlike any other cliche stories that i heard, my gamble did'nt paid off. it was embarrassing, and probably the single good thing that come out of this is that i wasn't left wandering. and having said that, having a reality check is even worse. it proves that i was right all along..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
already wrapped myself in my nice comfy duvet + lots of pillows around me... so gud nite dear readers.
"keeping your pride & get nothing @ taking a risk & maybe... maybe..having everything.."
nobody supposed to be here
how did you get here? nobody's supposed to be here...
Monday, October 27, 2008
4 in the morning
Sunday, October 26, 2008
a newly crowned Datuk
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
the green eyed monster
what r they talking about?
is she laughing at her jokes?
does he like her?
does she likes him too?
are u out of the game???
Sunday, October 19, 2008
girls aloud - the promise
Friday, October 17, 2008
talking trash
"oh, i can't wait to see her!"
"i get to see her tonight!"
"we had the best weekend together!"
"i miss u so much!"
"hugs & kisses to u, xoxo"
pathetic!!! did I mention he complements each of these status updates with little hearts? with f*****g little hearts. u might say this bothers me because i am a bitter person. u might say that or u might also agree with me. truth be told, i don't have a problem with other people's relationships. get as happy as you want. it's ur life anyway. my prediction is that it probably wouldn't last but hey—enjoy it while it does. and if it does last, well, u've got yourself a keeper. Just shut up about it.
we're no longer in the junior high & parading ur affection like that is no longer cute. and in all honestly, i don't give a s*** about ur girlfriend. u both deserve each other. Grow a pair. Next thing you know u'll be married with a bunch of squealing children and u'll update your Facebook status with something similar like this "a man is incomplete until he is married. after that, he is finished."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
far from perfect
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
but on a different note, my heart skipped a beat when i saw this beautiful set of twins. they were so tiny and adorable. now, i wish i'm a proud parent with children of my own.
Monday, October 13, 2008
penat tapi puas
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i love & i hate & everything in between
When we love something, what happens? What happens is that we want to possess it. We want to hold it close, attach to it, and protect it. We want it to be a part of us. When we hate, we want to get as far away from the hated as we can, or even destroy it. These two feelings are quite different, but actually, they come from the identical root, they are two sides of the same coin. Because when we hold something close, when we love something, we become afraid of losing it, and this brings up jealousy, and jealousy, of course, is based on hatred as we become guarded and secretive. so, is it acceptable to love @ hate at the same time? it may neither seems rational nor logical but we do this because we have to do this. we wouldn't know how else to react. it's cliche but nonetheless true.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
the locker room
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
why i acted the way i did
all I'm asking for is a simple apology or a clarification of the matter. that would suffice. all this while, i used to comment that why is difficult for people to utter the 3 words of "i am sorry" when i can say them in a heartbeat. until proven otherwise, i have the feeling that u will never seek my apology and u being u, will leave it to time until things get better and from there on, we're good & pretend as if nothing happen. but, I'm tired of giving in and letting people walk all over me. that's why i stood up and left. because i have pride.
p.s: i know some of u will laugh & joke about this entry and by all means go ahead. i'm not like u. i don't have the ability to take it with a pinch of salt. i'm sorry, it's just me.
more raya pics
Friday, October 3, 2008
friday morning
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
check it out!!!!! new blog
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
feel good no more
raya tunes
others songs include:
- suasana hari raya - anuar zain & elina
- satu hari di hari raya - m.nasir
the remaining raya hits are tolerable especially the usual classics. newer songs are just not as engaging for me.
Friday, September 26, 2008
end of neurology
Thursday, September 25, 2008
take a pick
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
gossip girl
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
furious lady
Monday, September 22, 2008
why so serious???
Sunday, September 21, 2008
random thoughts
- some people can never change. it puzzles me that one can live without a guilty conscience...
- i misses my occasional late night 'yamcha' with friends back home.
- it upsets me to know that my ex is already happily married. how dare she got over me that quick ... hahah =P, but i know we're cool rite...
- for no good reason, i like to look at the lefties when they're writing.
- one day, i decided to go bald, but my hairstylist talk me out of it.
- every now and then, i log in to a forum and read about other people's misfortunes. it kinda give me a relief to know that shit happens everywhere and not just in my life
Thursday, September 18, 2008
locked in syndrome
Q - what is locked in syndrome ???
A - is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake, but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body. It is the result of a brain stem lesion in which the ventral part of the pons is damaged. The condition has been described as "the closest thing to being buried alive". They communicate by moving and blinking their eyes which are not affected.
*credit to Wikipedia*
surprise surprise
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
al fatihah to my uncle
to my generous readers, i hope u can spend a second or so, reciting fatihah for my late uncle arwah "ainul maslih bin zaenal abidin" who passed away recently. ur kindness is greatly appreciated.
my condolence to the my aunty, my cousins and the immediate family.
the ipod timeline
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
political tension
deep down, in respect to the current situation, such outcome is not impossible. but as of today, BN is still standing still, maybe slightly weak, but enough to commit themselves as the official ruler @ administrator of the country. so, is it just an empty promise, an opportunistic way of winning the hearts of dissatisfied citizens that is in dire for an immediate change? let us all wait and see. for sure, i am curious. i have my own stand but there is no reason for me to disclose it here. i just hope for the best, for what i think is a better option for my beloved Malaysia.
Monday, September 15, 2008
thank you.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
why not biking?
and the simple truth is that i am very fond of walking.
Friday, September 12, 2008
done with vascular
p.s: next week, i'm up for neurology
the turkey shoots
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
so small
Return of the King
Monday, September 8, 2008
the undisputed champ
the trouble is....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
sunday morning
Saturday, September 6, 2008
where my readers at ??
and my reply was a spontaneous i don't know. i don't blog for the hits. i just write for the fun of it. no expectations there. but little did i know that when i checked my stats, between last mon-fri, apparently, i have generous viewers from people in these places..... erkkkk

Friday, September 5, 2008
the forgotten medical children
Thursday, September 4, 2008
something to remember....
too often, words say too much. we fail to notice that love comes in silence too. somethings should just be left unspoken and remain untouched. love isn't all about unity. but...
what if silence breaks the heart?
sibling rivalry - clashes of the Williams
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
eating the humble pie
i annoy people
in love with lust
you see, lust like love is truly blind. This is why, especially at the beginning of a relationship, it can be hard to tell whether you're in lust or love, whether she may be "the one" or merely a passing fancy who'll have your blood boiling for only a short while. confusing isn't it not? in cases like this, the real trick is in deciding what you want and that is entirely up to you. there is no wrong or right answer here. however, as a reminder, with every choices made, they are consequences. so just be prepared to live with it. life is not without regret.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
sizing it up
oh helll yeahhh... with a 6.3" tool you could load so much more to the target. smaller ones are fine too.. with the right technique of course. but it's the extra inches with the big gun that gives pure satisfaction... whoaa... by the time ur done, they'll be begging for more!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
it's all about the money
i have my own answer, but I'm not telling. just show me the money and then we're talking...
kasut buatan Gombak
Vanidah: so nothing. they make good shoes in Gombak. (smirk)
this is by far my favourite Merdeka commercial. i think it was shot somewhere in 98 and was aired again a few years back. the underlying message is clear cut, delivered in a very cynical way. why not a malaysian brand? 51 years post independece... it's time to start beliving in ourselves. malaysia boleh!!
and having said that, just would like to wish all the Malaysian a very happy Merdeka. now, entering the 51th year of Merdeka, let us all strive for a better nation, change what is needed to be changed, revamp back the system that would benefit us all. speak now or be silence forever. this is after all a democracy.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
miss fazura

Friday, August 29, 2008
the ugly, the bold & the beautiful
some may argue that beauty is only skin deep. what matters more is the inner qualities and by allowing the personality to shine through, one can easily win the heart of their partners. still, could this just represent a consolation statement made by the ugly for the ugly so that they feel less inferior since they too deserve the equal right to fight for the heart of a better half? i don't know. i don't have an opinion about this. but something to ponder upon... how come the fellas in general always hunt for the best chicken while the girls is more willing to settle for a mediocre partner? ironic isn't it? or is it just a nature that all of us come to abide to....