i never consider myself to be a good cook to begin with but i think i cook reasonably well though. hahah. however putting aside all the wonderful dishes that i could've made (smirk), i rather save my energy and channel it elsewhere. yes.... i hate cooking.
it's not so much the process or the mess but rather the idea of having to put on so much effort in buying the ingredients and not having them when i want it is such a turn off. i simply dislike the trip of shopping groceries to buy my dinner materials. period. ... chocs and sweets are welcomed nonetheless.. so, from all this, u would have gather enough details to assume that i don't cook that much! guess what? ur right!!! i only cook if i have to, that is if i'm starving to death and i'm running out of junk foods to chew on. otherwise, i would gladly go for the easiest option, the unhealthy diet of snacks and instant food.
come on, stop giving me the face and passing judgement, cut me some slack here, i know all the horrible stuff, the results that it would do if consumed too much, but i'm young and young people should've been given the privilege to do the things they want without having a guilty conscience. what is life if ur not living on the edge?? people always say that u r what u eat and so i thought, if this is the case, then i guess... i'm fast, easy and cheap ...
n ur no better than me!! hahah