Friday, May 30, 2008

from the 6th to 75th

i will be officially moving out on saturday. n i'll be joining the circle of 75th residents. my room is like a shipwreck at the moment. tons of stuff to throw away.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

killing time

instead of studying diligently and focusing on my psych oral, i spent a good few hours watching back to back movies. and among them is the shawshank redemption, one of my all time fav, an inspiring story that provides hope even at the smallest possible chance. like what Andy dufrane said, "hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies." how true. lets hope for the best... always.

bad day

i got so frustrated with my g.p oral performance today that i just had to seek comfort by having a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. and just to mention, i finish it all within the next few hours! n yeah, for a change, i bought the bohemian raspberry flavour. and to top it all, i'm still upset. huh...

here i stand - usher

i'm currently listening to this album. haven't heard all the songs yet but some tracks sound promising. since the first single release, love in this club is simply mind blowing, hence i anticipate other tracks would just be as good and not merely fillers. maybe, i'll comment more in details after listening to whole album later on.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


ku hanya orang biasa
tak lepas dari rasa kecewa
hanya padaMu tempat ku mengadu
pahitnya kini menyeksaku
aku percaya tiada yg sia sia
semua kan ade hikmahnya...


alhamdulillah, at least i secured a safe grade. but should i go for honours? truth be told, i actually wouldn't mind doing the oral should the date be different. but this thursday, n on top of having to prepare for the compulsory psych oral... i don't know. it's a tough call. to go or not to go. we'll see. i can't say anything definite for now. still indecisive.

Monday, May 26, 2008

all by myself

it sucks going through the next few days alone in this big 5 bedroom house. most of my housemates, or should i say ex hommies have already packed their belongings and move into different premises. for the next 5 days n 4 nights, it will only be me left to fill up this huge space. but no worries, this weekend, i'm all set to migrate.

i'm pissed

just now, the oral list for the ophthalmology has just been announced, n much to my fear, i am invited as one of the selected candidates to partake in the honest session oral, giving me the opportunity to improve my grades to a better level. as much as i would like to say that i rather not having an oral session at all, but somewhere down the line, i'm thankful in the sense that this is an optional oral session n that i don't need to go if i don't want to. i feel blessed for that, having the privilege to choose. i really do

but on a different note, i'm pissed that out of all my peers in 4th med, of which most of them would have easily recognize my student number, show no iniative of whatsoever to inform me that my number is listed up there. lets not pretend, it's not a secret that everybody knows everybody's number, n i don't mind if u take a peek on my number, but at least in times please have the decency to inform me. i was clueless for a good few hours back then. except for two good people, whom i am grateful to, i'm disappointed with the rest of my peers. i expected more from u people.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

what's next

i'm nearly done with my exams, but i have 2 more to go next week anyway. the following monday, i'll begin my electives here. so more clinical stuff to do. sigh

Monday, May 19, 2008


just to clarify, normally i don't bother doing this thingy but since dh sangap + anxious giler sbb exam lagi beberapa jam n kene destress kan diri, so buat jugaklah (survey from ida)

7 random facts about me:
1. a student
2. i don't like to cook
3. i can't drive at night (x nampak)
4. i enjoy eating at mapley
5. i'm very fond of miranda kerr at the moment
6. i watched the simpsons a lot
7. not a fan of david archuletta

7 random music at the moment:
1. ketahuan - matta band
2. itu kamu - estranged
3. tapi bukan aku - keris patih
4. love in this club - usher
5. no air - jordin sparks & chris brown
6. mercy- duffy
7. nakal - gigi

7 things I say the most:
1. aper2 jer la
2. perghhh!!!
3. yeah rite...
4. does it matter?
5. **** (when cursing)
6. mantap giler
7. busuk r...

p.s: sorry survey dipendekkan sbb xde mase nak isi sumer.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

only left with skin n bones

i think i lost tons of kilos, making me looking a bit aneroxic. it seems like all the stress has finally taking its toll on me. n plus i don't cook anymore.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008


grrrr..... pscyh exam is coming soon, very soon.. sigh

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

not a coffee addict

lately, i'm feeling a bit numb, too much pressure i guess. having been losing the steam for quite a while. so i really need a boost of energy to keep me going. but the thing is, i don't drink coffee. in most part of the world, especially within the area where i am, coffee is pretty much the primary choice for students who seek that extra ummph to get them going every now n then. so how now?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

hair cut

this morning, i cut my hair shorter.. actually not that much to be honest, i just trim it a bit at the sides and the back, because that area tend to be messy most of the time. it's been more than two months since my last visit to the hairdresser, but this time around, it's better to save on the euros and seek help from a willing friend. so, many thanks to ameen, for his FOC service.