Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
good things
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
you're beautiful
Monday, November 2, 2009
the days where nothing seems to be on the right track. blunders all over and the one thing that keeps ur sanity alive is no longer there.
it's a different world now. i just can't simply leave and not take notice. during my college years, i can head off whenever i feel like it. not attending lectures, skip classes and just stay in bed all day if i choose to do so. but now, all of that is no longer possible.
and ur not helping either. i would love to run free and let loose but from where i'm standing now, it looks like i'm the one who was run over.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
this week has been pretty hectic. but i'm glad it's over. the team is great and the SHO is very helpful.
well today, initially i think i'll have a half day off. but i finished everything by 9am!!! so, practically, i have nothing else to do and i left early..
and to my gentle readers, wishing all of u selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin.
ilman aiman ismail
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
and i'm so glad that i don't have to go to the medical day unit for at least a month. i hate doing the infusions. period. and the good thing is that i'll be bleepless for the week. imagine !! haha
and you......................... ur sex is on fire........... =)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
i used to play with min when i was in kajang the other day. we played like mad. i miss those moments.
would've get the chance if i didn't swap the other day. if only dr murphy takes two interns. darn darn darn!
and oh, my consultant is away but we're still getting new inpatients. he's on a cruise somewhere in the meditranean. nice meh...
tapi dr murphy...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
no sho around, the reg left mid day for a u2 concert in dublin. so, practically i'm the only one left.
so, when they asked me to call the team for review... i said.."what team, i'm the team now!"
and one little thing, i was supposed to book a renal biposy for a patient. my reg texted me that. so, i went and saw two of the radiologist suggested.
as expected, i briefly explain the case, what is needed, the options that we're exploring now and i showed the text that my reg send me. but unfortunately, the consultant was so amazed with my hp that he can't let go of the phone and said that it is such a nice phone. who made it? motorolla? a slide phone?
and at the back of my mind, i honestly think that he sounded more enthusiastic about my phone that the patient i'm presenting.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
sad day
my patient died last night.
and one of my new inpatient potentially has a metastatic brain tumor. it's just heart breaking to see the faces of the family. i nearly cried myself.
and it's been raining the whole day.
and when i open the news, local director, yasmin ahmad passed away.. alfatihah.
hopefully tomorrow will be brighter.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
my partner that night who's doing surgery mentioned this...
"i think we learn more during our on calls. the mornings are just routine things."
indeed. i couldn't agree more. and of course she's overwhelmed of the fact that could she linked the haematuria of an asymtomatic patient to a prior streptococcal infection there and then.
and it's kind of great that we're there to help one another. she did some of my medical jobs. and i managed some of her surgical patients.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
-serius tak suke patient yang rude-
Friday, July 10, 2009
early this week was extremely busy. busy busy busy sampai kene delegate my work kepada my colleagues. so thank u to those who were they to help me.
and on call pun start this week. actually hari selasa. masa on call tu rasa2 mcm still ok la. cume post call tu yg penat, sbb x cukup tidonye dgn busy lagi. but overall still ok. and the best part comes during the weekend... ahhh
Saturday, July 4, 2009
- weekend ni nak masak best2. lama dh x masak. the last one masa the lads balik msia for good.
- suka dgr lagu michael jackson yg lama. baru realise that he's a brilliant artist. sebelum ni minat biasa2 jer
- looking forward for next week. many more working hours. biarpun penat tapi xdela bosan or sunyi. team best n byk colleagues yg mmg dh knal. so, xdela rasa sunyi ke aper..
Thursday, July 2, 2009
ni dah keje, especially in a room full of doctors, whenever ade bleep bunyi... dlm hati mintak2 la bukan bleep aku yg bunyi tu sbb dh tau mesti nurse panggil buat something.
among my team, we call each other jer. and just now, my reg tanye whether i'm interested to join his research team.. hmmm.. tgk pk2 ni. but seems like a good oppurtunity to expand my CV..
Monday, June 29, 2009
izad will surely miss him, i'm going to miss him too. and i know after this, we will no longer be as close as we are rite now. of course, the occasional text messages, facebooking and all that. but that's about it. inevitably, we'll change and not necessarily for the better...
Friday, June 26, 2009
the good, the bad & the ugly
lets start with the eldest - shahid
as many would have mentioned before, he's like a big brother. he genuinely cares for your well being and he looks out for u when ur in need or in trouble. he likes to cook and he does it very well. hands down the best in the house. and to add it up, he's a generous person. he doesn't mind sharing or treating u the small stuff. he's the one that i can depend on the most & perhaps the one that i would trust my life with. plus, when no other wants to play soccer with me, he doesn't mind. and i appreciate his time and effort. deep down, i wish he would keep his options open.
then with ameen - he's the guy with vision. i won't say he's born to lead but he possesses the charisma and esteem that are required to be a good leader. he is full of ambition and wants to work for the greater good. i respect him for that. and of course, he's the barber of the house. with many years of training no wonder he can cut his own hair without hassle. and i personally i think that his room is the neatest of us all. he's good with organizing things. he plays music and is a good guitarist/drummer. something that i wish i'm good at
nik, as he puts it, is the one who knows what he wants & get what he wants. most of the time anyway. he dreams big things and he has the confidence to get him there. he's an all rounder. he balances well between study, lectures and his regular sporting activities. he likes all kind of sports. at times, he can be a little bit guarded and cold. he takes time to warm up and i would say he's a proud person. he doesn't look down on u but he doesn't think highly of u either. it's difficult to get his acknowledgment. and oh, he is closest with izad.
and talking about izad, the youngest of the bunch, the baby of the house. he's good with people. he makes effort to get to know everybody and build a network with his good communication skills. i envy him for that. an aspiring politician in the making... we'll see. plus, he's very studious. staying in the library until the late hours. and he's the one who normally would share his stories and he's quite open with that. he's not afraid to be on the centre stage and put himself out there. maybe, he loves the limelight???
so all in all, this is a little description of my housemates. they may agree or disagree. so do u. but doesn't matter. like i said, my opinion weight very little to them. starting tomorrow, there will no longer be "us". we've parted into our own ways, realising our dreams and catching our destiny.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
drag me to hell
interestingly, i found this movie more humerous than anything else. of course, some bits are a bit scary with elements of surprise thrown in every now and then. the acting is mediocre at best.
verdict: 6/10
p/s: watched it at mines and behind us, there were two middle aged men, both plumpy looking, making annoying comments in between the scenes!! tension!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
then, i went back home and later that night went to NZ klcc for supper with some friends. mmg port lepak la NZ ni. either NZ or Hartamas square.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
heheh, after emailing them, they arranged for a meeting in which diorang akan tolong assist isikan the forms that are required. pheww.... lega sikit rasa.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
locked out
anyway, later that night pegi main boling. as usual, i suck at boling. that's the reason why i avoid playing boling especially if playing with a large group. habis dalam 2.30 pagi, then balik rumah... tup tup... x jumpe kunci. call rumah byk kali, nobody answered!!! so, pegi la tido rumah min dkt bukit mewah.
then, masa balik tu, dh sampai rumah, check kunci. xde jugak, cek balik dlm poket... hahah, rupenye ade!!! dlm poket sebelah kiri daa... penat jer calling2 rumah, ketuk2 pintu, padahal kunci dlm poket jer...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
anyway, before that, lunch satay & air tembikai... slurrppp.
and oh, i moved up to Pro 250k in fb poker today.. hahah, it takes 3 weeks for me to get there. lama gak la to reach because i'm not a risk taker and i don't like going all in without seeing the turn. tapi .. i'm still no.6 in my list... =/
Sunday, May 31, 2009
the new trend?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
it's good to know the wherebouts of ur former classmates... especially when they have their own career that they can be proud of.
Friday, May 29, 2009
tennis & such
then, later that night, with several friends, we went to hartamas square for dinner. the funny thing was that i wore a plain red shirt which happened to be the uniform attire for the waiters there. so, on several occasions, i was mistaken as a waiter!!.. hahah
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
- is a friend really a friend when they choose not to go that extra mile when ur in need of help.
- is a friend really a friend when they promise u that they'll do anything within their power to ensure ur stability but choose to chicken out when the helping hand is needed
- and could a friend even be called a friend if they intentionally do things that could potentially risk u to ur deepest fear?
hence, i've come to realise that a friend is a powerful term that is use very loosely. for all u know, we're could be merely acquantainces & not friends. i.e, kita hanya kenalan, bukannya kawan.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
kak faies, darlene, hakim, kak gya, bahij, fairuz, asma'... huhuh, sumer pun tanye pasal result. result sendiri tak kisah la sgt tp result orng lain tuh mcm serba salah pulak nak ckp.. huhu
anyway, masa dlm flight, there's two australian i think yg duduk belakang my seat. then die call stewardess ni.. n immediately cakap... "saya cintakan anda.... maafkan saya.." so sweet !
a very hectic day. sampai jer rumah punggah barang, then x sempat nak buat ape2 pun. had lunch dkt cyberjaya, an arab restaurant. mango juice die mmg terbaekkk la.... (slurp)
then went tu subang jaya, holiday villa for a preview. fuhh... penat. malam skit la baru ade masa nak blogging n usha facebook. tp jap lagi plan nak keluar pulak.. hehe
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
the apology
thank u for everything.
ilman aiman
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
fed-up no longer
mad money
sometimes, going crazy can be rewarding if ur lucky!
ok. no more poker. sila study!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
one of these days, i just wish i could play soccer regularly, like proper soccer & not be intimidated by other players. tapi, would they tolerate my lack of skills & not be disappointed if my performance isn't up to theirs?? deep down, i'm really hoping that by any chance, those who play really well could give me some pointers and wouldn't mind teaching me so that i be more competent.
... i really want to play and i don't think any of them realise this.
Friday, May 15, 2009
the big players can afford to raise and lose it. i just don't have that privilege. not yet.
*tiba2 rasa sedih & rendah diri. nak main pun x semangat. xde geng pun
Thursday, May 14, 2009
and mom said that he makes the effort to come back in june this year just to see me. sweet kan?? hahah.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
adakah saya seperti ini ?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
K.H.S 9701
little did i know that this group exist in my facebook circle. and the irony of it all is that all the admins who created the group were once my dear classmates. christopher who i think is now a doctor graduated from melbourne uni.. choo who is a successful pharmacist in tawau and chee leong who is now a qualified accountant.
wawee... got a reminder of the lubang jepun in KHS. heheh, actually x penah bother pun nak cari even though i'm aware of the existence. and when they talk about the makcik jual nasi lemak or mee soto in the canteen... i seriously have no recollection of any memorries regarding that. giler loser... what had i been doing back then in KHS?
anyway, i miss KHS. it may not be the prestigious boarding school that u can boast about, but it's my school. and that's all that matters. even now, it still feels surreal that a nobody form kajang high could ended up here alongside the graduates from other respective schools. thank u to my teachers....they tought us well. and lastly the motivating lines that we chanted whenever we feels like.
Everywhere we go..
People want to know..
Who we are..
Where do we come from..
So we tell them..
We are from Kajang High..
Mighty...Mighty KAJANG HIGH!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
aku dan mereka
i can't help but to think that, this simple moment, this unproductive time wasting moment is among the few things that i will miss .
ameen dkt dapur tgh makan
nik dalam bilik. study kot. die rajin.
and me, aku tgh duduk mengadap diorang karoke. nak study mcm x sesuai pulak. heheh, xpela.. bukannya lama pun masa dgn diorang yg tinggal. aku pun nak balik malaysia dh.
somebody said that all of us are special in our own way. semua masak sedap. takda yg lebih. takde yg kurang. lately, aku rajin skit masak. slalunya malas. ntah kenape.
oh... sekarang lagu hot and cold - katie parie. they are enjoying themselves. letting loose and just give it all.
i don't know how to conclude this entry. tak sampai hati rasanya. sebab bila aku titik kan tanda noktah maka berakhirlah semua ini. permulaan yg baru. a new chapter kata semua. hopefully, kita semua berjaya and we remain as tight after leaving 75.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
interestingly, all this while, i have never gotten emotionally involved when watching a soccer match. but yesterday's game, i was feeling anxious, waiting in agony for barca to kick it off. it was certainly a painful experience and the restlessness was getting a little too much.
now, i understand, why my housemates are getting all excited and frustrated when their team perform or off form. it really feels like ur part of the team and u want them to win it so bad. so apologies if i ever criticised their spirit by saying it's just a game. because, as far as i can see it now, it is more than that. it carries thousands and millions of hope from people all over..
and now, i can't wait to watch the final! eh i pun x sure ade astro sports tak dkt my tv?? tapi kalo xde pun, leh jer lepak mamak layan bola sambil minum teh tarik kurang manis! heheh...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
bundchen & barca
i always have a thing for gisele. she looks insanely hot in this pic. low cut dress with killer legs to match !! sexy.
and oh, i'm so happy that barca moves into the final. wheew... it was painful to watch them not having a shot on until the 93rd minute and they scored!. mwahh... i luv u barca!! and hopefully the final later will be a match to remember. tak kisahla saper menang asalkan it's a tight match! viva barca!!!
tak tahan bila one of my grupmates ckp, xpe aiman aku paham.. orng lain tak tau la pulak! tapi, thankfully ade study grup ni, study la jugak walaupun the pace to mcm slow giler!
n dgr lagu ct tadi, heheh....
tertarik part ni,
apa salahkah jika aku meminta,
apa salahkau jika engkau ternyata...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
zee avi
zee avi... heard about her recently through a forum. then, yusma reinforced her existence and her talent. then suddenly,tergerak hati nak dgr her music playlist.
and she blows me away. but the thing about her is that her voice is neither majestic nor powerful. and i'm still in doubt whether she can sustained a high note very well. but the beautiful thing about her music is that it's relatable and real. there's no touchy feely kind of lyrics with soapy agendas behind them.
i like her songs so far. she's good. but i need more stuff to hear before i make a definite judgment.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
and it's not because i'm a nice person. i know i have my fair share of mistakes, but to intentionally hurt somebody.. i couldn't.
i guess when ur coming to an end, u start to think back of the beginning. people may come & go in ur life but true friends will remain. i wouldn't want to feel awkward if i see u within the next few years and not knowing what to say. and worse, if i'm not even bothered..
but it takes great effort to remain as close friends. as much as i want to, there is only so much that i can do. i can text u, call u, asking how ur doing, what's up and other small little chats that i do to keep tract of ur life... but if ur not interested, then what more can i say...
it'll be sad to think that after this, chances are that we could end up as strangers to one another..
Saturday, May 2, 2009
ismail mohd noor

around this time of the year, it's been about 15 years since father left. and ever since, never has there been a day that i didn't think about him.
with the graduation coming up, i just wish that he can be here...
to say the words that i'm dying to hear.
to hear him say that "i'm proud of you, son" means everything to me.
i want him to be happy.
i want to do him justice.
he is such a respectable & honourable man.
and i want to emulate that as much as i can.
i want to hold his hand
i want him to pat my back
and say that i lived to his expectations
i want him to be there
to share my moments of joy and happiness
and when i'm sad and need a shoulder to cry on
i want him to say that everything is going to be ok
and protect me from the big bad world
like he used to when i was younger..
and i want to pay him back
for the great things that he had done
to take care of him
the way he has taken care of me
with undying love and patience...
ayah.. i miss u and i will always do. Al fatihah

Friday, May 1, 2009
the day when i cried my heart out
and the worst part is that people don't really care. there are always more important things to deal with. i wish i could do the same and stop caring that much about others. i just feel so alone rite now and nobody to talk to. i feel very vulnerable and out of place. the cut is always deeper when ur close.
i really wish that dad is here to knock some sense into me, to set me up straight and be resilient to this kind of atmosphere. ayah, ilman rindu ayah...
mama... mama
and if u want to save lives.. be a doctor.
but if u want to save millions of lives at a go... be an epidemiologist. this is why we need public health.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
bang bang
she will always win the fight..
bang bang she shot me down
bang bang i hit the ground
bang bang that awful sound
bang bang my baby shot me down....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
but pagi tu, a few hours before clinic, baru perasan that i've misplaced my stethoscope. ke hulu, ke hilir cari, x jumpe2 gak... last2 tiber teringat n terus pinjam kt aina who will be having her clinics tomorrow.
so thank u aina. mintak pinjam satu, dpt dua terus.. ngee. di ckp pilih la yg mana best. n just now masa clinic to my suprise, for the long case dpt one of the familiar faces that i've grown to be accustomed to since the recent months.. heheh, dlm hati excited jugak, sbb die pun mcm giving me that cheeky grin what he first saw me there.
so, for this surgery clinics, dpt
- intermittent claudication for long case
- short cases - stoma/hartmann's, diabetic foot, multiple surgical x rays (3 stations)
esok keluar list oral. semoga dipermudahkan. isnyaAllah...
n good luck to the rest yg akan amik their clinics tomorrow.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
sometimes i'm not,
sometimes i'm dark and twisted,
sometimes i'm bright and shiny,
and sometimes, i need space,
i need to get away.. away from here.
to cool things off,
to get some peace,
to regain my sanity..
i don't like fixing things when it's broken. i walk away..
*i know, it doesn't rhyme. so...
Friday, April 24, 2009
the big two five
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
aawww... hidup2.. macam2 yg boleh berlaku...
tapi lately... asyik makan tido, makan tido, makan tido. kalau xde makanan mulalah rasa gelisah, nak ke tesco malas, tapi mulut nak mengunyah jer. isk2... cmner ni?
dh la the guys here pandai2 belaka... sometimes rasa mcm x measure up pulak... dush. salahkan diri sendiri yg x bersungguh study. lepas tu berangan pulak. ishh... geram betul!
Friday, April 10, 2009
check it out especially if u like indie gigs.
anyway, here it is...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
and oh.. did i mentioned that he was the time keeper for the questioning sessions.. heheh
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
but then again, someone elses say that knowledge is a lifelong process. u can never acquire enough no matter how much u think u've gain. so, what happen then?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
but fortunately, as i was walking up the summerstown road, a car passed by and pulled over. he offered me a lift to SIVUH. =)
we don't bite the hands that feed us don't we??
Monday, March 30, 2009
naik jap, dlm hati mcm takut2 kalo die ikut route lain.. then lepas gerak, lalu gardai building tu, dlm hati lega skit. benti jap kt traffic light. then tgk2 instead of pegi terus, die pusing masuk selekoh kiri...
dlm hati dh nyumpah2 dh, so budget turun next stop.. rupenye next stop die jauh giler ok!!! masuk highway mana tah... so terpaksa jalan kaki all the way and turn to the corner yg nak pegi S.I. 15 minit ok jalan! sakit hati betul. dari budget awal terus jadi lambat..
seb baik tutorial worth it la. buat practice role play short cases: byk gak kaver,
- expressive dysphasia
- myasthenia gravis
- ataxia
- thyroid eye disease
- leg ulcer
- parkinsonian features
- ankylosing spondylitis
then gi amik hx haematmesis. hx die menarik tapi patient tu mcm a bit deaf. so die x dgr sgt aper yg kitorang tanya. but all in all, rasa mcm banyak blaja hari ni biarpun insiden pagi tadi sgt menyusahkan diri!!!
n ohh, my bas pass mcm dh nak expire dh... x best nye, x leh nak naik bas sesuka hati lagi.. dush2..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
sbb still awal lagi, dlm pukul 8 lebih, then pegi la staff canteen, breakfast jap. kat situ, jumpe kak wan dgn haizlin. borak2 pasal nak final, then tanye pasal interview, tanye ok x kalo jadi intern kat sini next year, pasal gaji, pros and cons sumer...
then, jumpe fadri, mintak patients. amik hx pasal PE. seriously, hx taking ni la antara yg best, bukan sbb dpt elicit byk points, tapi sbb asyik gelak jer sepanjang amik hx tu. pakcik tu mmg cool!
then pegi cari patient yg ade chest signs. case pleural effusion, dgr crackles, wheezez in 2 patients. then pegi jumpe patient lain, die dtg sbb angina attack tapi skrng dh stable skit. so buat praktis la mcm2 exam kat die. buat CVS, respiratory, and peripheral nervous system. pakcik tu pun best.
all in all, hari ni mmg sgt best. cume balik tu penat skit n xde mood nak masak.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cinta - Nikki
i like this song. it's a simple, uncomplicated song without the typical melancholy of a soapy love ballad. plus, it is soothing to the ears. this song is certainly growing on me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
then, another interesting patient who has wegner's granulomatosis. he has a bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. he is in his late 30s and now use hearing aids on both ears. usually WG affects the respiratory tract and renal function. he is admitted following acute abd pain and had a hx of perforated bowel before.
then, with bernard, i was instructed to examine a parkinsonian features. kelam kabut la jugak walaupun penah buat. the whole group bursts out laughing because i made a few embarrassing mistakes during the examination.. heheh
then, some of my fellow classmates complimented on the pictures that we took on saturday. u guys look cool !!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
i've just watched the latest episode of grey's anatomy. it's a bit sad to see izzie leaving the show. i think the producer just wants her out immediately. if not, then why on earth was she scripted to have a 5% survival rate with a stage 4 malignant melanoma that has mets to the liver & brain?
and oh talking about melanomas, i haven't really seen one up close. not in my rotation anyway. maybe there are some in the hospital but unfortunately, there are under different consultant that i'm not attached to.. but in the surgical wards? hmmmm
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
n my presentation still x siap lagi. stuck a bit dkt the result section. x sure nak regurgitate everything ker, nak put up only some information n said the rest during the presentation itself?... hmmm
lagi satu, internet xde the whole afternoon!!.. so balik pegi tido sat, bangun still xde!!! dkt pukul 8.40 mlm baru ade n this is practically the first thing i do. i blog, =)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
yesterday was tiring. got home, slept for 2 hours and i played diablo 2 for the rest of the night!!! anyway, mikail baked blueberry muffins and gave us some yesterday. the muffins look like the picture above and they were seriously good!! nyum nyum.... they were supposed to be for sarah's birthday but turns out her bday is next week. lol
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
thursday evening
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
case study: status epilepticus
When he was more lucid, other than being of slow mentation, there were no other focal neurological signs.
1) comment on the CT scan
2) what is the next course of of action?
2) The immediate action to take is to alleviate the raised intracranial pressure. A neurosurgical referral should be made for a VP shunt to be inserted. Later on, investigations should be done to identify the cause of the hydrocephalus, which in this case is most likely due to a brain tumor.
*credit to jimbo*
knee exam
dgr citer, knee examination is important in surgery utk final med. nak assess ligament yg injured itu. this is especially important for sports medicine. a few interns ckp diorang dh kene n bernard pun asyik remind supaya practice and make it look like u've done it before..
basically, the knee examination is more or less similar to the one demonstrated in this video. and at least for exam purpose, please read up on ur knee ligaments!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
not ready to make nice
I'm Not Ready To Make Nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should
Friday, March 6, 2009
mock xm
n the exam went ok. dpt case appendicitis. bernard will always give good feedback. i adore him for that. he will try his best to keep u motivated. but what i like the most was when the patient backed me up. he said that i know a little bit of everything and i will be a good doctor~~ heheh, terharu jap especially the part where my patient intentionally help me to answer some of the questions. since bernard was looking towards me for answers, the patient at the back gave out many signs and gestures indicating what he thought was the correct answer.. sweet kan.. hahah
and of course bernard loves the fact that i bonded well with the patient!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
and oohh, i saw her. after all these months, i still hate her. she's evil!!! she made my 2nd rotation a misery!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
things to do before i turn 25
- i would love to be debt free. u see, i spend a lot and buy a lot of things that i seldom use. i use my cards like almost every time i go out. damn those impulse purchasing!!
- i hope i can get better grades. if i get grades like this when i was in high school, i'll probably shoot myself and die. it is embarrassing. but knowing that i'm in final med and at least a third of the class is getting more or else the same grade, then it's a bit comforting.
- i honestly feel that i need to learn how to play at least an instrument. in my eyes, musicians are sexy!! my brothers play the drum and the guitar. my sister is a good pianist. and me, unfortunately i'm not musically talented.
- i really need to be in love, like seriously dangerously to die for in love. get dumped. and fall in love again with a better girl who is going to be my future wife. it's all about the right timing. past encounters are of no use. i walked away too early
- i know Liverpool has a slim to nil chance of winning the premier league. but i hope MU will not win it either. it's so annoying seeing them taking it all. i know i'm going againts the odds here. even if they do win the league, i hope they'll lose on other encounters.
- i need to brush up on my presentation skill. i'm amazed at some of my peers who are very fluid in their delivery. sometimes, it doesn't really matter what u say but how u say it is more important. me... i talk too fast when i'm nervous. that is not good.
- i wish i can just go out there, take the next plane and go to somewhere exotic. but surely, in the right state of mind, this isn't possible.
pagi before keluar, jenguk2 window... fuh... byknya snow! habis all the grass dkt halaman kene cover with snow, and the cars, the top part & bonet pun diliputi salji.
then, on the way nak pegi bas station depan rumah, budget nak naik bas 7.25 pagi, tapi kuar dlm 7.20.... dlm hati rasa mcm bas dh lepas jer... huhuh. before sempat sampai tempat tunggu bas tu, ade kereta pull over, tanye, nak ker S.I ker?.. heheh, angguk, n die ckp masukla.. =), oh itu kereta dr syuk ya.., dlm kete pun masing2 sembang pasal snow. everybody was excited about it.
then, masa dkt S.I, keluar jap, nak pegi town.. biasela.. gap between tutorial lama, so apa lagi... then on the way jalan tu, a heavy snow turun!!! rasa mcm best giler. like a wark in the park when i was in Amsterdam ( sbb pegi time2 bulan mac jugak!). it was snowing for a good 20-30 minutes jugakla... rasa mcm nak amik gamba. tapi jalan sorang2 la pulak. malu pun ade..
oh, before i forget, yesterday, when i did my hx taking with this one patient.. he looked out the window, it was raining a bit and he said to me & yopit.. i think it's gonna snow tomorrow!!. and tup2, mmg snow pun hari ni... then, i saw him again today at the corridor. i said, u were right mr. it is snowing!!! die pun ckp.. i told u, didn't i!! heheh, and somewhere close to the main entrance, nampak pulak dr hewitt dgn his former spr (norin). ape yg diorang buat dkt S.I ek??
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
asal la aku yg rajin bukak pintu.
die ckp nak hire orng clean the walls, or possibly repaint them. huhuh
anyway, this week is my anest week. but i went to the theater for only an hour. couldn't find the consultant. stuck with the reg i think, and he left me after 20 minutes. so aper lagi...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
jadi, dgn senang hatinya, saya pun terus tido balik lepas subuh, menggantikan tido2 yg x mencukupi sebelum ini
lagipun, petang ni ade klas lama sket and esok pun ade kot. so...
n JPA membayar claim secara berperingkat... hmmm
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
"if ur here later this year when ur an intern, there's an orthopedic research prize, u should submit ur work. honestly, i don't think u'll win but it will be good for ur CV."
heheh, honest giler. x kan menang. huahuahua. but utk CVku nanti...hmmm
anyway, Alhamdulillah, settle dh masalah ethics. dh dpt surat tu. Alhamdulillah
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
as he was about to lie down from a sitting position, he suddenly coughed quite violently, gasping for air and pin pointed at his tracheotomy site.
and i was .... shit! we panicked, we called the nurse and he glanced, gave us the degrading cynical look.!
so lesson learned. i'm not going anywhere near a tracheotomy patients !! .
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
i want to be u
no no.. not like u, but u. i want to be u
think about this for a minute. think about how u would react if someone told u that who u are as a person is the one that is holding u back. and worse, deep down, u wanted to agree with them. u knew they were right. so, would u do it?
it's a cruel world out there. they were telling u to stay true to urself but secretly, they wish u were a different person. would u change? would u become someone that let u live what u wanted? would u cast aside the person that is holding u back completely and fully to assume a brand new role that doesn’t resemble the old u in the least?
and truth be told, we wear different faces all the time. a student, a son, a friend, a lover, a leader... each part of us yearns to be someone else. more confident, more go getter, more fortunate, more intelligent.. and if u had the chance, would u do it? would u take on a role that makes opportunity possible, makes life easier and makes ur dream become reality. but more importantly, who would u be?
the grass is always greener on the other side. i don't know why but at this time and space, i wish i could be u. not like u... but u.
new guidelines
so, there is no need to go to that extra length like how they put it in the new guidelines.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
so, what i want to suggest to all final meds....before handing in ur project to the medschool, it is better to seek opinion from ur colleage. aina even said that the irish girls are doing that too. they take turns checking for grammar, the content or any general opinions that they think might add up to the project. for example, yopit thinks that i have too many tables. and i repeat the sentence p<0.05 quite a lot. even the table size was being commented!! x cantik!!
because, on our own eyes, we tend to overlook small little details that we think would not have matter that much but others might have a different say. so again, double check with ur colleague. we might be surprised to learn the feedback! and of course, i don't mind if u want to read mine as long as u give constructive comments after reading it!
good luck to all ya..