interestingly, all this while, i have never gotten emotionally involved when watching a soccer match. but yesterday's game, i was feeling anxious, waiting in agony for barca to kick it off. it was certainly a painful experience and the restlessness was getting a little too much.
now, i understand, why my housemates are getting all excited and frustrated when their team perform or off form. it really feels like ur part of the team and u want them to win it so bad. so apologies if i ever criticised their spirit by saying it's just a game. because, as far as i can see it now, it is more than that. it carries thousands and millions of hope from people all over..
and now, i can't wait to watch the final! eh i pun x sure ade astro sports tak dkt my tv?? tapi kalo xde pun, leh jer lepak mamak layan bola sambil minum teh tarik kurang manis! heheh...