Wednesday, April 29, 2009

had my surgery clinics just now. alhamdulillah it went ok. thank u God.

but pagi tu, a few hours before clinic, baru perasan that i've misplaced my stethoscope. ke hulu, ke hilir cari, x jumpe2 gak... last2 tiber teringat n terus pinjam kt aina who will be having her clinics tomorrow.

so thank u aina. mintak pinjam satu, dpt dua terus.. ngee. di ckp pilih la yg mana best. n just now masa clinic to my suprise, for the long case dpt one of the familiar faces that i've grown to be accustomed to since the recent months.. heheh, dlm hati excited jugak, sbb die pun mcm giving me that cheeky grin what he first saw me there.

so, for this surgery clinics, dpt
- intermittent claudication for long case
- short cases - stoma/hartmann's, diabetic foot, multiple surgical x rays (3 stations)

esok keluar list oral. semoga dipermudahkan. isnyaAllah...

n good luck to the rest yg akan amik their clinics tomorrow.