Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hari yang paling trauma. my patient had an arrest this afternoon. luckily the arrest team came and sorted her out.

she's bradycardic, came in with syncopal episode. was paced there and then by the cardiologist.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

it's been many months since i last logged in to my freindster account. and surprisingly, they are still some visitors, friend request and comments that need approval.

actually, planning to delete the account. tapi........

sayang la.
apparently, the interns/SHOs/regs in SIVUH will all be affected by the new rota. average working of 48 hours weekly with fixed holiday. huh...

regardless, i'm having my plan holiday. period.

and oh... the flirtation... hahah. little2 things that brighten up my day

Sunday, July 26, 2009

sooner or later, mmg akan bermusuh la dgn some of the nurses in SIVUH. this is inevitable. bring it on babeh...

Friday, July 24, 2009


no sho around, the reg left mid day for a u2 concert in dublin. so, practically i'm the only one left.

so, when they asked me to call the team for review... i said.."what team, i'm the team now!"

and one little thing, i was supposed to book a renal biposy for a patient. my reg texted me that. so, i went and saw two of the radiologist suggested.

as expected, i briefly explain the case, what is needed, the options that we're exploring now and i showed the text that my reg send me. but unfortunately, the consultant was so amazed with my hp that he can't let go of the phone and said that it is such a nice phone. who made it? motorolla? a slide phone?

and at the back of my mind, i honestly think that he sounded more enthusiastic about my phone that the patient i'm presenting.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

another issue at the moment,

one of the girls was "inappropriately" harrassed by a male patient in the ward. she was complaining to the senior doctors and nursing staff. sampai nangis2 ok.

an official report was made againts the patient.

kurang hajar betul!!
n on a different note,

a very very busy day at work. sgt2 busy smpi keje x siap, lari balik, budget sambng esok pagi jer. i'm not oncall anyway. huh...

sad day

it's just been so sad.

my patient died last night.
and one of my new inpatient potentially has a metastatic brain tumor. it's just heart breaking to see the faces of the family. i nearly cried myself.
and it's been raining the whole day.

and when i open the news, local director, yasmin ahmad passed away.. alfatihah.

hopefully tomorrow will be brighter.

Monday, July 20, 2009

saw ruth just now, in a very cute summer dress. she looked really good!!!

and in day unit just, finally i can do it on my own. didn't require any help for my task. clap2

and i completed all of my work today!!! happy sbb so many things to do, and my team was on take last weekend. many new inpatients.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

today you made it clear that i don't belonged. thank u for the honesty.
almost finish cleaning up 75 summerstown. will dust it up for one last time tomorrow. =(

Friday, July 17, 2009

talking about the post call.

my partner that night who's doing surgery mentioned this...

"i think we learn more during our on calls. the mornings are just routine things."

indeed. i couldn't agree more. and of course she's overwhelmed of the fact that could she linked the haematuria of an asymtomatic patient to a prior streptococcal infection there and then.

and it's kind of great that we're there to help one another. she did some of my medical jobs. and i managed some of her surgical patients.
saya skrng post call. a very challenging night yesterday. minimal sleep. but i think i learn a lot and grow a bit as a doctor. but still penat. at days like these, i feel blessed that i have a great team and supporting collegues who don't mind to go that extra miles to make my job easier.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i tried to be optimistic about the whole thing, thinking of all the great possibilities that are ahead of me. but somehow today, i was left feeling defeated. no, not by someone else. but i just couldn't summon the courage to get up and be free of it.

today was a bit quiet. running the usual errants on the wards. but one particular patient decided to make it difficult and blow off in front of me. i mean, what i am to do. i don't do ur CTPA reports, i'm not the one who will consult u for the cardio review? so, why get angry at me. for crying out loud, get ur meds in order. maybe next time, u won't have an anxiety attack and make a hassle for all of us.

-serius tak suke patient yang rude-

Friday, July 10, 2009

finally, ade masa tulis blog.

early this week was extremely busy. busy busy busy sampai kene delegate my work kepada my colleagues. so thank u to those who were they to help me.

and on call pun start this week. actually hari selasa. masa on call tu rasa2 mcm still ok la. cume post call tu yg penat, sbb x cukup tidonye dgn busy lagi. but overall still ok. and the best part comes during the weekend... ahhh

Saturday, July 4, 2009


- serena won, 7-6, 6-2. second set menang mudah...
- weekend ni nak masak best2. lama dh x masak. the last one masa the lads balik msia for good.
- suka dgr lagu michael jackson yg lama. baru realise that he's a brilliant artist. sebelum ni minat biasa2 jer
- looking forward for next week. many more working hours. biarpun penat tapi xdela bosan or sunyi. team best n byk colleagues yg mmg dh knal. so, xdela rasa sunyi ke aper..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

dulu masa student, wonder2 la jugak mcm best jer biler ade bleep sendiri...

ni dah keje, especially in a room full of doctors, whenever ade bleep bunyi... dlm hati mintak2 la bukan bleep aku yg bunyi tu sbb dh tau mesti nurse panggil buat something.

among my team, we call each other jer. and just now, my reg tanye whether i'm interested to join his research team.. hmmm.. tgk pk2 ni. but seems like a good oppurtunity to expand my CV..