Saturday, July 19, 2008

not a sex expert

Being a fan of the original series some years ago, i must say that i'm not entirely happy about this highly anticipated movie. despite of it being an epic for showcasing glamorous women of new york celebrating their lives by being fabulous, adorning in designers label, wearing to die for ball gowns with the most ridiculously extravagant Manolo stilettos (or maybe some Choo), i honestly find the overall picture as being dull and slightly monotonous. the movie revolves around Carrie, the supposed leading lady and the narrator of the story who is blessed with more lines, fancier wardrobes , tons of accessories and not to mention her lower Manhattan apartment, courtesy of her generous prince charming, Big (some bitches get all the luck in the world!).

and around Carrie, stood her 3 loyal companions, all whom which we know as Carrie's bff, the prude Charlotte, the cougar queen Samantha and the Harvard graduated law student, Miranda. As expected, each of these supporting casts are awarded with bits and pieces of storyline, clumsiliy wrapped around the centerfold of the story, the uninspired tale of miss Bradshaw. And that is perfectly fine provided that the storyline is strong enough to support all the plots of this fabulous four new yorkers, but unfortunately, imo, the writer are trying hard to cram all this rather "foolish" subplots into a 2 hour slot movie making the end result to be somewhat confusing. and really... what's up with the casting of Jennifer Hudson as carrie's assistant? we all know her from Dreamgirls and we adore her top notched, Oscar worthy performance but in this movie... her appearance is really UNNECESSARY. and talking about the ending...just like anybody would've guess, Carrie is back with her long lasting love, Mr.Big, perhaps secretly the only man that Carrie has ever loved throughout the entire series. having said all that, the only good thing coming from this movie is the return of the absolute sex kitten Samantha Jones. she's the epitome of sex symbols everywhere for women of her age. she's 50 already and she can easily robbed Carrie from her non deserving limelight. now that is what i call a cougar with true sex appeal!