Sunday, August 31, 2008

kasut buatan Gombak

Ashraff: so what if my shoes are made in Gombak?
Vanidah: so nothing. they make good shoes in Gombak. (smirk)

this is by far my favourite Merdeka commercial. i think it was shot somewhere in 98 and was aired again a few years back. the underlying message is clear cut, delivered in a very cynical way. why not a malaysian brand? 51 years post independece... it's time to start beliving in ourselves. malaysia boleh!!

and having said that, just would like to wish all the Malaysian a very happy Merdeka. now, entering the 51th year of Merdeka, let us all strive for a better nation, change what is needed to be changed, revamp back the system that would benefit us all. speak now or be silence forever. this is after all a democracy.