Sunday, August 3, 2008

the mummy 3: tomb of the dragon emperor

The movie doesn't seem to do any justice to it's prequels. not that the earlier franchises are exceptionally great films but this one, unfortunately is just plain silly. and the fact that i had to wait until 1.30 a.m on a Saturday night isn't helping at all. the absence of Rachel Weisz for the third installment of the mummy series is a curiosity at first but after watching the film, i think i know now that her reason is perfectly understandable. word is that she doesn't approve of the script that is given to her (clever choice there). but despite all this negativity throw in, i have to admit that there are moments that is notoriously humorous such as when Jonathan uttered this line. "my ass is on fire, spank my ass!!". and i laughed hysterically for a good 30 seconds or so.