Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Paediatrics: part 3

as much as i hated to say it upfront, but i do admit that upon entering the 3rd week of paeds rotation, i have to say that paediatrics isn't as bad as what i painted before. when i wrote it a week ago, it feels like i want to prove a point, to show to the public & the readers that they are more options to choose from. the part where i said that crying babies irritate me, i kinda missed the part where they are acting their age, showing emotions & development accordingly. and it really doesn't take a lot... my ego shattered to pieces when a girl with the most enthusiastic & charming personality greet me with a very warm welcome. she had me at hello, and i was sold there & then. and the part where we were brought in the play room was a reminder of the past. it unleashes the the kid in me... as any happy 3-4 year old toddlers out there, i found myself, recklessly scooping around, and searching for toys to play with. and i enjoyed it.

so, having said all of these, to some of u..i'm sorry. i take my words back. being peadiatrician is just as honourable profession as the surgeons or other medical specialities. ur bunch are the one that we send our children too. u keep them healthy & well during the first few years of their life, .. giving us the opportunities to manage & cut them open when they get older. =P