Monday, March 23, 2009

did quite a few things today. first up, took a history, the patient has prostate cancer but now present with an epigastric mass & diffuse abdominal pain. initially, we thought, it is a metastatic liver condition but turns out that the homogenous mass covers a lot of the liver area when we looked at the CT scan. so most probably it is a primary hepatocellular carcinoma.

then, another interesting patient who has wegner's granulomatosis. he has a bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. he is in his late 30s and now use hearing aids on both ears. usually WG affects the respiratory tract and renal function. he is admitted following acute abd pain and had a hx of perforated bowel before.

then, with bernard, i was instructed to examine a parkinsonian features. kelam kabut la jugak walaupun penah buat. the whole group bursts out laughing because i made a few embarrassing mistakes during the examination.. heheh

then, some of my fellow classmates complimented on the pictures that we took on saturday. u guys look cool !!!