Friday, March 27, 2009

hari ni sgt best. initally mcm x nak dtg, then yesterday, bernard ckp nak buat tutorial. so dtgla jugak. alih2 lepas grand rounds, cancel pulak.. x dpt nak book room.

sbb still awal lagi, dlm pukul 8 lebih, then pegi la staff canteen, breakfast jap. kat situ, jumpe kak wan dgn haizlin. borak2 pasal nak final, then tanye pasal interview, tanye ok x kalo jadi intern kat sini next year, pasal gaji, pros and cons sumer...

then, jumpe fadri, mintak patients. amik hx pasal PE. seriously, hx taking ni la antara yg best, bukan sbb dpt elicit byk points, tapi sbb asyik gelak jer sepanjang amik hx tu. pakcik tu mmg cool!

then pegi cari patient yg ade chest signs. case pleural effusion, dgr crackles, wheezez in 2 patients. then pegi jumpe patient lain, die dtg sbb angina attack tapi skrng dh stable skit. so buat praktis la mcm2 exam kat die. buat CVS, respiratory, and peripheral nervous system. pakcik tu pun best.

all in all, hari ni mmg sgt best. cume balik tu penat skit n xde mood nak masak.