Friday, May 8, 2009

aku dan mereka

izad n shahied dlm bilik. tgh karoke. multiple songs. belum habis lagu dh tuka baru..

i can't help but to think that, this simple moment, this unproductive time wasting moment is among the few things that i will miss .

ameen dkt dapur tgh makan
nik dalam bilik. study kot. die rajin.
and me, aku tgh duduk mengadap diorang karoke. nak study mcm x sesuai pulak. heheh, xpela.. bukannya lama pun masa dgn diorang yg tinggal. aku pun nak balik malaysia dh.

somebody said that all of us are special in our own way. semua masak sedap. takda yg lebih. takde yg kurang. lately, aku rajin skit masak. slalunya malas. ntah kenape.

oh... sekarang lagu hot and cold - katie parie. they are enjoying themselves. letting loose and just give it all.

i don't know how to conclude this entry. tak sampai hati rasanya. sebab bila aku titik kan tanda noktah maka berakhirlah semua ini. permulaan yg baru. a new chapter kata semua. hopefully, kita semua berjaya and we remain as tight after leaving 75.